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Premarital Counseling


​Congratulations on your engagement or making a commitment to one another! A happy relationship is one of the life’s most significant aspirations. Premarital or commitment counseling using the Prepare-Enrich curriculum is a powerful way to help people in relationships start their life together on a positive foundation.

Premarital or commitment counseling can be extremely effective in setting you up for success as you grow in your relationship.

Newly engaged and committed couples often believe that that love will always get them through the rough times. While love is important, it won’t be enough without effective listening and communication skills or a mutual understanding and agreement on core relationship foundations like money, children, conflict resolution, religion and more.

Like preventative healthcare, premarital and commitment counseling for relationships will set a solid foundation for your future together. Taking time to ask the tough questions now and acknowledging where and what types of problems might arise before they do, can be the key to a lifetime of love and happiness.


Most couples face their most serious challenges during the first five years of marriage. These include:
  • Balancing job and family 

  • Frequency of sexual relations

  • Debt brought into marriage

  • Employment problems

  • Finances

  • Expectations about household tasks and responsibilities

  • Communication style differences

  • Problems with parents and in-laws

  • Lack of time spent together

Premarital or commitment counseling gives you a significant advantage:
  • Discover your strengths and weaknesses as a couple

  • Learn to play to your strengths and reinforce your weaknesses or areas for growth

  • Learn about personality types - how they complement each other and how they can cause conflict

  • See if your fundamental values are the same

  • Research has shown that even when two people’s personalities are very different, if they share the same core values, they’ll stay together

Through conscious relationship preparation, many of these issues can be discussed and plans can be made to handle them, so they don’t become sources of conflict as the relationship evolves. 
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